A Perthshire construction firm has issued a fresh planning bid for woodland in Errol they were previously found to have felled trees on without permission.
Morris Leslie, which has its headquarters in Kinfauns, is seeking permission to develop woodland in Grange, Errol.
The proposed development of the site, a former WW2 airfield, includes plans for nine storage units, new access roads, parking and footways.
A letter from the architect says the development would create new employment opportunities with Morris Leslie, with the site being used for agricultural purposes.
Unauthorised development
It comes after the firm was fined by Perth and Kinross Council for an unauthorised development on the same land, with a council enforcement notice ordering them to pay £2,000.
Trees were removed on the land and a hard standing constructed without the necessary planning permission.
In a decision notice refusing an appeal from the Scottish Government reporter, it was noted that it was a “criminal offence” to fell trees without permission.
The appeal added: “It is clear from the evidence I have seen a significant number of trees were felled between 2011 and 2018.”
Planning bid a ‘positive way forward’
Addressing the “unfortunate” enforcement actions, the architect said in the application that Morris Leslie had apologised for what happened.
It added: “But rather than simply leaving [the site] to fester [Morris Leslie] are proposing a positive way forward for it instead, which will entail a significant multi-million-pound
investment in the site by Morris Leslie.”
They said this will create local jobs and include tree planting to “mitigate in part the impact of previous works”.
A spokesman for Morris Leslie told The Courier: “The unfortunate enforcement action has been addressed with Perth and Kinross Council and we will progress any future works in accordance with any prescribed planning requirements.
“Following discussions with [community interest group] Carse of Gowrie Group, we have included within our planning application for the provision of a section of safe roadside path, as part of the overall Errol to Grange path network.
“There is local demand for the provision of ‘incubator’ starter business units to assist in the growth of small local businesses and this has been included within our plans.
“An arboricultural engineer has been engaged to ensure the proper management of existing trees and the re-planting of new.”