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Tay comes alive as 11 Perth water clubs unite for first ever Between the Bridges display

Paddling, kayaking, canoeing, sailing and wild water swimming all took place on the river at the same time.

Between the Bridges event on the Tay in Perth.
Eleven water-based clubs in Perth were united for a first ever Between the Bridges display on the Tay. Image: Phil Hannah.

Eleven water-based clubs in Perth were united for a first ever Between the Bridges display on the Tay.

The event was organised by the River Tay Community Sports Hub for visitors to learn how to get involved in some of the clubs present.

These included Perth Sailing Club, Perth Sub-Aqua Club, Tay Rowing Club, Perth Canoe Club, Carse Canoe Club, Wild Water Swimmers, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Willowgate Activity Centre, Waterski Club and Perth Sea Cadets.

On Wednesday night paddling, kayaking, canoeing, sailing and wild water swimming all took place on the river at the same time.

An information point was set up by the clubs and organisations involved, all on the High Street/Tay Street viewing platform.

Adam Burns, chair of the hub and centre manager of Willowgate Activity Centre, said: “All of the organisations, clubs and people that are involved with the River Tay are so passionate about the water and want to share that with potentially new members.

“We want to invite anyone interested in getting involved in any way with the river, to come along and spend time learning about the opportunities – for all ages and all abilities.”

The hub collective includes Perth Harbour, Willowgate Activity Centre, Perth Sea Cadets and clubs, and is facilitated by a dedicated Sports Development Officer from Live Active Leisure.

Its aim is to bring together sports clubs and community organisations who want to develop and grow the sporting offer on and around the River Tay.


All pictures by Phil Hannah.

Between the Bridges event on the Tay in Perth.  
Pic Phil Hannah

Canoeists from Carse Canoe Club.

Between the Bridges event on the Tay in Perth.

Between the Bridges event on the Tay in Perth. One man and his dog
Pic Phil Hannah

Portable marine VHF transceivers were donated to several organisations involved in water Sports by The River Tay Community Sports Hub. Pictured are Mark Doris from Perth Sub-Aqua Club, Bob Shaw from River Tay Community Sports Hub, Neil Hardie, Fiona Laing from Perth Sea Cadets and Grant Stewart from Carse Canoe Club.
Portable marine VHF transceivers were donated to several organisations involved in water Sports by The River Tay Community Sports Hub. Pictured are Mark Doris from Perth Sub-Aqua Club, Bob Shaw from River Tay Community Sports Hub, Neil Hardie, Fiona Laing from Perth Sea Cadets and Grant Stewart from Carse Canoe Club.
