A prominent listed building which has played an important role in the lives of generations of people in Invergowrie is to be converted into housing.
Perth and Kinross Council has approved listed building consent for a plan for five homes within the Errol Road building.
The application relates to the former primary which comprises a building to the north dating from the late 19th century and the larger school building to the south which was constructed in the early 20th century. The former school house attached to the earlier school is not included in the proposals.
The buildings have been vacant since 2013 when the new primary school, which lies to the south-west of the site, was constructed. A new multi-use games area and vehicle drop-off area lie directly south of the 20th century building.
An important aspect of the plan, according to council reports, is the C-listed buildings place at the heart of the village.
“Where planning permission and listed building consent are sought for development to, or affecting, a listed building, special regard must be given to the importance of preserving and enhancing the building, its setting and any features of special architectural or historic interest,” said the report.
“There is a presumption in favour of the retention and sympathetic restoration, correct maintenance and sensitive management of listed buildings to enable them to remain in active use.
“Immediately to the west is All Souls Episcopal Church which is a category A-listed building. Across Errol Road to the east is the local bowling green and St Columba’s Church and Hall which is a category B listed building.”
Concerns about road safety from the redevelopment were raised by the Invergowrie Primary School and Nursery parent Council – in particular the narrow width of the pavement – but these are to be tackled with improvements incorporated into the permission.
The plan will involve a redesign of the buildings interior layout and new exterior openings.