Perth Leisure Pool will not be given listed status following an appeal by preservation campaigners.
The facility was being reconsidered for protective status by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) after Perth and Kinross Council failed to notify the agency of changes to it plans for a new Perth leisure centre.
Last year, The Courier revealed that council bosses had told HES plans to build PH2O at the pool site on Glover Street were at an advanced stage.
As a result, HES decided against listing Perth Leisure Pool despite finding it merited a category B listed status.
Two weeks later, the local authority revealed plans to build the facility at Thimblerow and demolish the pool in favour of 150 houses.
In return HES said it would reconsider an application on the leisure pool which was made by campaign group Twentieth Century Society.
Plans to demolish pool at advanced stage
Historic Environment Scotland has now concluded its second investigation and again decided against listing the leisure pool.
In the decision, the agency said it still considers the redevelopment to be at an advanced stage overall.
It states: “The change to the proposals for redevelopment of the site after demolition, and the change of location for the new facility have not affected the agreed outcome for the existing Perth Leisure Pool.
“Our view is that the key relevant development proposal – to demolish the existing building – remains particularly advanced for the purposes of our policy.”
Listed status would have been issue
The decision will come as a relief to council bosses with plans for the new leisure centre expected to come before councillors again on February 26.
There has been a huge backlash against the plans for Thimblerow which do not include a dedicated leisure pool.
More than 2,300 people have signed a petition against the proposals.
However, any plans for a new leisure centre could have been thrown into serious jeopardy if the current pool had been granted listed status.
A spokesperson for HES said: “We were asked to reconsider a listing for Perth Leisure Pool.
“We have carried out a further review of development proposals affecting this site.
“In line with our policy, we are not proposing to list the building at this time given the status of development proposals for the building.
“Our view on the significance of the building has not changed since our August 2024 report.”