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Schiehallion defenders blast electric fence plan for Perthshire mountain

The John Muir Trust wants to erect fencing around Schiehallion to protect young trees from grazing animals.

Electric fence sign with Schiehallion in distance
Plans for an electric fence to protect woodland at Schiehallion have sparked anger. Image: DC Thomson

Scotland’s “wild places” charity is under fire over a plan to erect electrified fencing around one of Perthshire’s best loved mountains.

The move is being proposed as part of the John Muir Trust’s East Schiehallion woodland restoration project.

The charity wants to plant montane willow across the south-facing flank of the popular Munro between Aberfeldy and Kinloch Rannoch.

But in order to do so, it is proposing to install fencing to keep grazing animals away from tender saplings.

The John Muir Trust insists the fence plan is a “last resort”, required after other approaches failed.

But that has brought it into conflict with some locals and environmentalists.

Schiehallion, a cone shaped mountain, viewed from Kinloch Rannoch on a summer day
Schiehallion viewed from Kinloch Rannoch. Image: Shutterstock

A new campaign, called Away With The Fairies, has been set up to draw attention to the scheme.

Its recently-published website questions the need for fencing in one of the last great Scottish wildernesses.

It calls into question the wisdom of  planting trees on the hostile upper reaches of the 1,083m-high mountain.

And it is highly critical of the way the John Muir Trust has gone about the process.

The website states: “It is our judgement that these proposals will desecrate the mountain in all sorts of ways, and we are speaking up about this because no one else seems to want to do that.”

Schiehallion fencing plan puts mountain’s future in doubt

Away With The Fairies is a reference to Schiehallion’s name in Gaelic, Sìdh Chailleann, which translates to “Fairy Hill of the Caledonians”

Campaign spokesman Victor Clements, a local native woodland adviser and secretary of the local deer group, says it has also been chosen to highlight the “insanity” of the project.

Victor Clements leaning on bridge in woodland
Victor Clements is speaking out about the Schiehallion fence plan. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson

He insists critics are not against the principle of returning trees to Schiehallion.

But he says the John Muir Trust approach is destined to fail.

A better approach would be to begin at lower levels, he says. This would connect with existing woodland and allow trees to extend naturally up the mountain over decades.

The campaign also cites a lack of consultation and questions over funding and the way permissions were gained.

And it warns the John Muir Trust risks serious reputational damage if it presses ahead with the scheme.

“My concern is that this project could pull the John Muir Trust down as an organisation,” Mr Clements told The Courier.

“And who is going to manage the mountain in future if that’s the case?”

‘You don’t expect fencing here

The Courier spoke to walkers at the Braes of Foss car park at the foot of Schiehallion this week.

None were aware of the plans for tree-planting or fencing.

Seasoned hillwalker Leanne Haining, from the Scottish Borders, is uneasy about elements of the scheme.

Leanne Haining in walking gear holding dog at car park at Schiehallion
Leanne Haining is opposed to the Schiehallion fence plan. Image: DC Thomson

“I’m definitely in favour of more trees,” she said.

“But I just don’t see the benefits of putting up more fencing all over the place.

“We noticed more and more fencing and ‘keep out’ signs on the way up here.

“You don’t expect it here though.”

John Muir Trust defends Schiehallion plans

The Courier put the concerns to the John Muir Trust.

A spokesperson defended the proposals in the following statement.

“Grazing pressures have pushed high-altitude woodland to the brink of extinction and reducing this pressure is essential to sustaining the natural regeneration of mountain woodland tree species, including rare montane willow.

Two people on Schiehallion with snow covered mountaintop in front
Trees are scarce on Schiehallion at present.

“On East Schiehallion sheep have eaten many of the trees and shrubs that would naturally grow there.

“Grazing sheep prevent seeds from taking hold in the ground, so the next generation of plants can’t establish.

“This means only a handful of trees are now growing above 400m.”

The statement added: “The Trust uses fences as a last resort.

“It is not our preferred solution.

“Having tried other approaches, the fence is required to protect naturally regenerating saplings from the destructive grazing of sheep that wander onto the land we care for.”

Fence with 'warning eectricity' sign and Schiehallion peak in distance
An existing fence at the foot of Schiehallion. Image: DC Thomson

The statement also defended the organisation’s consultation on the proposals.

“We have consulted 31 groups and organisations, including Breadalbane Deer Management Group, about our plans for the fence,” it said.

“Installation will take place in phases and much of it replaces older existing fencing. The fence will be funded through donations and funds designated for the purpose.

“Our ambition is to see the nature-based regeneration and restoration of a crucial mountain woodland for present and future generations – which aligns directly with our charitable purpose.”
