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Latest plans for £26m Comrie flood defence scheme to be unveiled to residents

The flooding in May 2019.
The flooding in May 2019.

The latest plans for Comrie’s £26 million flood protection scheme will be unveiled to residents next week.

Representatives from Perth and Kinross Council will host a public consultation in the Perthshire town on May 8 to show the newest designs by consulting engineers Sweco for the multi-million pound flood defence system.

Around 200 properties are believed to be at risk of flooding in Comrie, which was hit by severe floods in both 2012 and 2015, prompting the council to approve a new flood defence system in 2017.

Sweco were brought in to develop the preferred scheme, which, despite delays, the council still say will begin construction in 2021.

The proposed scheme consists of approximately 3km of new flood walls and 1km of flood embankments along the Water of Ruchill, the River Earn and River Lednock.

Some of the older flood defences on the Water of Ruchill will also require to be raised and refurbished in order to bring them up to modern standards and to extend their design life.

It is thought there have only been minor changes to the designs since they were rubberstamped by the council in 2017.

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A spokesperson for the council’s flood team said: “Sweco are currently developing the outline design of the flood scheme.

“This is based upon detailed ground investigation works and environmental, topographic and structural surveys which have been carried out around the town.

“Overall this work is taking longer than anticipated – however we currently have no overall change in the estimated timeline for the delivery of the scheme.

“Sweco have now produced a draft outline design for the proposed flood defences within the town. We are now ready to consult with the community on the latest proposals.”

This draft outline will be presented to Comrie residents at the public consultation and the community’s response will “inform the final outline design” of the flood scheme.

A council spokesperson said: “The drop in session next week will provide the community with information on the current outline design of the scheme.

“The venue will host an information display and officers from the council’s flooding team and Sweco will be there to answer any questions.

“Representatives from SEPA and the Scottish Flood Forum will also attend to provide further advice on tackling flooding issues.

“Responses received from the community will be brought together in a community consultation report, which will be used to inform the final outline design of the flood scheme.

“The council urges residents to make their voices heard as the proposed scheme will be amended to address any local concerns where possible.”

The public exhibition will be held in the Comrie Community Centre (the White Church) from 2pm until 8pm on Wednesday May 8.