What does the word “consultation” mean?
In the case of the proposed bridge across the railway at Dundee’s Magdalen Green, it doesn’t mean what I thought it did.
Residents of the West End have been presented with a solution, but never consulted on what problem this new bridge is trying to solve.
If the community was asked for ideas to improve accessibility and active travel in the area, would they have voted to use this budget to replace the pedestrian bridge?
It doesn’t really matter what you think of the design of the bridge. That argument becomes a distraction.
The point I’m making is bigger.
Unanswered questions
One bridge isn’t anything like an answer to the area’s travel and traffic problems.
The narrow roads and pavements make walking and cycling dangerous.
The lack of dropped kerbs and controlled crossings make wheelchair and pedestrian travel a game of Russian roulette.
There is a powerful argument that if millions of pounds are to be spent to improve safe and accessible travel, then blowing most of it on one bridge isn’t the best answer.
Who decided to build this bridge?
How did they come to this decision?
What other options did they consider?
Where is the overarching plan to improve safe travel for the area?
How does this bridge fit into that plan?
Personally, I think Riverside Approach might have been closed to cars both ways and become a cycling bridge.
That would stop cars squeezing down Shepherd’s Loan, Step Row and Paton’s Lane as a shortcut from the Perth Road to Tesco.
It would, at least, be a lot cheaper.
Or a feasibility study into a cycle bridge that also spans Riverside Drive, sited along near the allotments at Richmond Terrace.
I freely admit: perhaps neither of these ideas work. I merely show that there were other options.
It must be residents who decide what the question is and how to answer it.
They weren’t given that opportunity.
They were just presented with this new bridge to replace the existing one; a bridge designed for accessibility but which isn’t accessible for disabled users as there’s no safe crossings on Magdalen Yard Road or Roseangle to get to it.
Does it even do the job of connecting active travel in Dundee?
How can it when it doesn’t reach the National Cycle Path on the south side of Riverside Drive?
‘Proper consultation necessary’
Residents should have been asked what their problems were – in a more fulsome, inclusive, and proactive way – before anyone decided what the solution is.
I tell you what I’d fear, westenders. You’ll get a bridge – then no more will be spent on infrastructure in your area for decades.
You’ll be deemed to have “had your share”.
I can also tell you what the council would say (if they deigned to give an answer to ordinary people).
They’ll robotically intone: “A consultation was carried out. Beep.”
Yes, a consultation – on this bridge.
But a proper consultation on travel and safety issues in the West End needed to cover much more than a yes/no on one specific question.
Dundee City Council should have another look at this.