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STEVE FINAN: How I expect local leaders to respond to Dundee Raac crisis

'Safe homes in Dundee and an equitable outcome for Dundonians is more important than you being chummy at party conference time.'

Dundee Raac campaigners Yvette and Wayne Hoskins. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Dundee Raac campaigners Yvette and Wayne Hoskins. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson

Dundee city councillors of all parties, the defining issue during the lifetime of this council has arrived.

The Raac problem affecting nearly 900 Dundee houses.

How you handle this and how you conduct yourselves in the coming months will be what you are remembered for.

It’s time to step up to the mark.

It’s time to claim your place in Dundee’s history.

We can all do the sums. We know it would be difficult for the council to fix all the problems.

‘Put your people before your party’

So there is likely to be a long, drawn-out battle with Holyrood and/or Westminster to ensure that this problem is tackled effectively.

There might be times when the central powers isn’t doing the right thing for people in Raac houses in Dundee.

That’s the time when the council’s political groups must be prepared to fight against their bosses.

That’s the time to put your city, your people, your voters before your party.

If a resolute stance against central government is needed, then that’s what you do – no matter if you and they are members of the same party.

Safe homes in Dundee and an equitable outcome for Dundonians is more important than you being chummy at party conference time.

Dundee City Council Leader Mark Flynn. Image: Paul Reid

Leader Mark Flynn, the day you took the job you said: “My pledge to my fellow Dundonians is to lead with honesty and integrity.

“I will stand up for our incredible city and its people at every opportunity, without fear or favour.”

Now is the time to back up that brave pledge with action.

Mark, if the government at Holyrood aren’t doing right by Dundee, then call them out.

Equally, Kevin Keenan and the eight members of the council’s Labour group, if the Westminster government isn’t doing what’s best for the people of Dundee then it is your duty, a measure of your character, to strongly criticise that.

Both groups: we all know that loud and public criticism from within a party gets far more attention than the usual run of one party carping about the actions of another.

What Dundee expects

It’s not easy. It takes guts to stand up to your colleagues.

But in this fight, your first duty must be to your voters. The city expects it.

It could also be that cross-party cooperation in the city will be needed. There might come a time when the entire council has to speak with one voice.

Dundee will expect you to put party differences aside.

A council champion should emerge. Someone who will be the go-to person when the opinion and backing of the local authority is required.

Someone who will speak up, every time, not hide behind meaningless PR department releases.

You could start by speaking up right now.

Our MPs and MSPs should also remember where they are from and who they represent.

If it comes to a vote you must vote in favour of Dundee’s people – defying your party if needs be.

All of you – councillors, MPs, MSPs – silence, ignoring the problem, hiding from the issue won’t cut it.

Your city needs you.

Will you represent your folk, or will you go down in history as having betrayed them?

The petition to help Raac affected homes can be signed here
