There was no shortage of garages and car showrooms in Dundee when vehicle ownership became widespread in the post-war years.
Businesses were starting to take note of the new mechanical contraptions on the streets.
Where there were cars, there needed to be garages, mostly through adaptations to existing buildings, but as time went on, purpose-built garages began to be seen.
Whether it was a pitstop to fill up with petrol or the exciting purchase of a first car, Dundonians will remember some of these familiar names in the motor trade.
Some have gone, some have changed hands, others are still there.
How many do you remember?
Can you picture what is on some of these sites today?
So let’s motor down memory lane with these old photos of Dundee garages.
1960: Macalpine Motors
Our first image is from Macalpine Motors which was situated on Macalpine Road and offered new and used cars alongside garage services and petrol pumps.
Most cars at the time would have cost from £500 for small cars such as the Mini and Ford Anglia, to around £1,000 for the larger Fords, Vauxhalls and Austins.
Do you remember Macalpine Motors?
1961: West End Garage
The West End Garage in Queen Street dates back to 1929 and is one of the oldest garage businesses in the suburb.
The owner in 1961 was Alexander McAra and the West End Garage was offering “garaging, repairs and tyres” alongside petrol and diesel from the filling station.
It remains part of the fabric of Broughty Ferry.
1968: Blue Star Garage
The Blue Star Garage at Marketgait is pictured in August 1968, showing the exterior of the building on Overgate Lane with several vehicles for sale in the window.
The site beside the Overgate car park would be taken over by Richard Lawson in 1982 and its name was later changed to Angus Motor Company which sold Suzuki and Saab.
The building is now being used by Auto Windscreens.
1978: Heron Rossleigh
A line-up of the cars available at Heron Rossleigh in 1978 with the men who sold them.
“If you want quality then you want Heron Rossleigh” was the firm’s tagline and the showroom range included everything from humble Austin Allegros to Rollers!
The showroom and yard on the Kingsway remained in operation until the late-80s and was eventually taken over by the supermarket company William Low in 1990.
1981: Highland Motors
Highland Motors at Blackness Avenue was opened by Robert Smith in 1975 with one second hand car as the sole commercial commodity.
Mr Smith could afford a wry smile, for, from those lowly beginnings, he built up a flourishing motor service and sale business.
He celebrated in 1981 by purchasing a brand new “space age” car wash.
1981: Claypotts Garage
Staff from Claypotts Garage on Arbroath Road are photographed in October 1981.
The garage and filling station was reduced to a pile of rubble in 1993 to make way for the realigned Arbroath Road following a £1.4m plan to transform Claypotts junction.
The garage was owned by the Ewart family at the time of its demise.
1983: Whittet Brothers
Brothers Jim, Brian and Douglas Whittet founded Whittet Bros Ltd in 1973.
Always fascinated by cars they brought their interests into the business with them – Jim was a panel beater, Brian a paint sprayer and Douglas a mechanic.
It was a mixture of these skills that was to prove to be the basis for building a very successful business and our picture shows the staff at Gowrie Street in 1983.
1985: Caird Park Shell Garage
The Shell Garage at Caird Park is pictured in July 1985.
Staff were celebrating after winning through to the Scottish finals as territory winners against numerous other east coast garages in the “Shell Shine” competition.
No wonder they were giving customers a warm welcome!
1986: St Roque’s Garage
St Roque’s Garage in Ward Road was celebrating the opening of a new-look showroom in February 1986, which included a diesel pump for the first time in the forecourt.
The firm at the time were the main Austin Rover distributor for a large area of Tayside, having been associated with the car range and its predecessors for almost 70 years.
The building was demolished in 1990.
1986: Ninewells Garage
A 1986 image of the forecourt at Ninewells Garage on Perth Road.
Ninewells Garage has been a family-run business since 1923 and was providing car servicing and repairs alongside a 24-hour breakdown and vehicle recovery.
The garage is still there today.
1987: Wellington Garage
Wellington Garage in Rosebank Street was Tayside’s main dealer for Daihatsu.
If you were in any doubt the firm’s tagline back in 1987 was: “We know Daihatsu, we like Daihatsu, we are Daihatsu!”
In 1987 a new Domino 850 5-speed would set you back £4,869 from Wellington Garage with the Charade CX 5-speed at £6,199 with immediate delivery being offered.
1989: Esso Garage
The Esso Garage forecourt in March 1989 with petrol 37p a litre!
Never again would the per-litre price be as cheap and this part of the Arbroath Road is now home to the Co-op funeral director’s and the Ladbrokes betting shop.
The brick wall is still there — even if the cheap prices are consigned to history.
1990: Edward & Stewart Garage
Edward & Stewart was a Citroen dealership which moved to Clepington Road in 1990.
The garage, which was originally opened by Alf Stewart in the 1930s, acquired the Citroen franchise in 1970 and moved to Clepington Road from premises in Roseangle.
The firm was running a Citroen Midsummer’s Dream event following the move to a bigger showroom with special offers and the chance to win an AX Jazz or BX St
1990: Scott Fyfe Motors
Scott Fyffe’s showroom was long associated with the Toyota franchise.
But perhaps it is most famous for giving its name to the roundabout where it is situated at the junction of Arbroath Road and Kingsway East.
The Arbroath Road roundabout is commonly known as the Scott Fyffe Circle.
The showroom is still there today.
Still opposite its namesake circle.