What was life like in Dundee in 1973?
The archives team has been rummaging around the files at DC Thomson’s Kingsway office and dug out a varied batch of faces and places from 50 years ago.
Grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy having another browse back in time courtesy of The Dundonian, which appears in the Evening Telegraph every Wednesday.
Some of these photographs have been unseen for years.
Do these awaken any memories for you?
The Seahorse Restaurant, run by the Barbieri family, was part of one of the Hilltown’s newest developments and had a reputation for serving up great fish suppers.
The fish and chicken bar was eventually flattened along with the Highwayman Bar next door and the rest of the ‘new’ development.
St Saviour’s
St Saviour’s Roman Catholic High School opened in 1973 on Drumgeith Road before closing in June 2008 following a merger with Lawside Academy.
The buildings were eventually demolished and the site will be the home of a new £60m ‘super school’ in 2025 following the merger of Braeview Academy and Craigie High.
Fashion boutique
Mr Beaujangles was a fashion boutique which opened in the Overgate in November 1973 with well-known Scottish DJ Stuart Henry performing the ribbon cutting.
Later two more shops were added to the Dundee portfolio in the Wellgate and Commercial Street before Beaujangles closed its doors for good in April 1982.
Fine wine
A large queue of people on Union Street are lining up outside the Peter Dominic wine shop on Hogmanay as they get ready to stock up for the New Year.
When Thresher took over Peter Dominic from Grand Metropolitan for £50m in 1991 the shops were rebranded under the Thresher name.
Camperdown Park
All aboard now!
Passengers are pictured boarding the Michelin omnibus at Camperdown Park which was making a stop during a road safety event taking place in September 1973.
Members of staff are preparing meals at the Spinners Restaurant which opened in the basement of Crawford’s bakery shop in the Murraygate in August 1973.
Crawford’s started in 1899 and used to be huge but closed down in 1996.
Cycling manoeuvres
Nine-year-old Alison Walker, of Ormiston Crescent, Whitfield, tries her skill at cycling manoeuvres in September 1973.
She, along with many other children in the city, was taking part in Dundee Road Safety Week which was held at Camperdown Park.
This aerial shot provides a postcard view across Lochee following demolition work as part of a major redevelopment and renewal scheme which took place.
The picture was taken from the South Road multi-storey block.
Chariots of fire
Ben Hur, eat your heart out!
A chariot race with cars was being held in August 1973 and the Hell Drivers are pictured taking their roof-top Romans over a ramp at the city’s Caird Park.
City Chambers
Lord Provost Tom Moore pictured with some French and German students during a civic reception which was held in the City Chambers in July 1973.
Does anyone know why the event was being held?
Ninewells Hospital
This image could have come straight from a horror movie.
A member of staff travelling down one of the long and eerie Ninewells Hospital corridors on a Lansing Bagnall trolley train in August 1973.
Castle Green
Castle Green play park has kept generations of children entertained.
Dundonians of a certain vintage will, of course, have hazy memories of the striking, concrete sculptures in the paddling pool, which usually became climbing frames!
Can you spot anyone you know in this final picture?