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EXCLUSIVE: 5 Dundee University chiefs set for Holyrood grilling

Former international vice principal Wendy Alexander is among latest senior staff invited to appear.

Dundee University vice principal Wendy Alexander.
Former Dundee University vice-principal Wendy Alexander. Image: Alan Richardson/DC Thomson.

Five Dundee University bosses are set to be quizzed by the Holyrood committee probing the institution’s financial crisis.

Principal Shane O’Neill was among those who gave evidence to MSPs during an extraordinary three-hour grilling in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday.

It was warned the university could have run out of cash by June without lifeline funding.

The institution has proposed making 632 jobs redundant to plug a £35 million deficit.

Dundee University principal Professor Shane O'Neill
Dundee University interim principal Shane O’Neill. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson.

We revealed afterwards that former principal Iain Gillespie, who resigned in December, had been invited to explain his role in the scandal.

Ex-finance chief Peter Fotheringham is also expected to appear, as is Amanda Millar, who quit as chair of the university court in February.

And The Courier understands former international vice principal Wendy Alexander will face questions from the education committee.

The former Scottish Labour leader stepped down from her senior post last year.

It is understood the university’s chief operating officer Dr Jim McGeorge, currently on leave, has also been invited.

‘Serious questions’

MSPs were extremely alarmed by what they heard on Wednesday.

Former Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, who chairs the education committee, said there were “serious questions” to be answered following the evidence session.

“To get the full picture, we are keen to hear from the former leadership team,” he said.

Fife Lib Dem MSP Willie Rennie said an “oppressive environment” at the top of the university stopped alarm bells from being raised.

Dundee University is battling a £35 million deficit.

He has also called for a ministerial taskforce to be put in place to prevent “seismic” job losses.

On Thursday, the Scottish Funding Council approved a £22 million loan for the struggling institution.

SNP education chief Jenny Gilruth told The Courier she would not rule out giving more cash to the troubled university.

At last week’s explosive evidence session, interim finance director Helen Simpson – who replaced Mr Fotheringham – claimed she raised serious concerns about the university’s financial position on her first day in the job.

Her predecessor is now finance chief at Caledonia Housing Association.

A spokesperson said: “Peter Fotheringham joined Caledonia Housing Association in October 2024 as executive director of finance.

“We are aware of Wednesday’s committee proceedings.

“Of course, Peter’s response to the committee is a personal matter for him.”
