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EXCLUSIVE: Dundee University chiefs could be FORCED to attend Holyrood grilling

Holyrood’s powerful education committee is taking advice on using a legal power for the first time to compel people to attend in person.

Former Dundee University Principal Iain Gillespie.
Former Dundee University Principal Iain Gillespie.

Former Dundee University principal Iain Gillespie is among senior figures linked to the crisis-hit institution who may be compelled to give evidence at Holyrood in a legal first.

It’s understood the Scottish Parliament’s education committee is exploring how to take the unprecedented step which would force witnesses to be grilled by MSPs.

The Courier revealed on Wednesday that Mr Gillespie – who quit in December – had turned down an invitation to be quizzed next week because he is “travelling”.

Dundee University chief operating officer Jim McGeorge. Image: Steve Brown/DC Thomson

Sources close to the probe told us Jim McGeorge, Dundee University’s chief operating officer, had also declined to be quizzed in Holyrood.

The Courier understands Scottish Tory MSP Douglas Ross, the committee convenor, is seeking advice on using legal powers for the first time which would leave the two men with no choice.

Potential witnesses can refuse invitations to appear in person at inquiries in parliament.

But Section 23 of the Scotland Act – the legislation which set up and governs the devolved Scottish Parliament – states where exceptions can be made.

Scottish Tory MSP Douglas Ross is the convenor of the education committee. Image: PA.

MSPs can require the attendance of a witness “concerning any subject for which any member of the Scottish Government has general responsibility”.

Angus SNP veteran Graeme Dey currently serves as the government’s minister for higher education and has been quizzed on the crisis.

The Scottish Government also stepped in to approve lifeline funding for Dundee University.

Section 23 of the Scotland Act also gives MSPs the power to demand relevant documents.

This was used for the first time in 2021 during the Holyrood inquiry into the handling of harassment claims against Alex Salmond.

But the legal mechanism has never been used to compel a witness to appear at the parliament.

One source told The Courier this was being considered, but acknowledged “the hurdles are high”.

Another insider said “other options” would be explored to ensure senior leadership figures from the university attend.

Interim finance director Helen Simpson, vice principal Blair Grubb, principal Shane O'Neill and acting court chair Tricia Bey (left-right). Image: Scottish Parliament
Dundee University interim finance director Helen Simpson, vice principal Blair Grubb, principal Shane O’Neill and acting court chair Tricia Bey (left-right) appeared at Holyrood last week. Image: Scottish Parliament

Invites were sent out to Mr Gillespie, Mr McGeorge, and three other ex-university chiefs after an extraordinary evidence session last week.

Principal Shane O’Neill was among those who were grilled by MSPs as it was revealed the institution would have run out of cash by June without lifeline support.

Former international vice-principal Wendy Alexander is keen to attend the education committee when the Dundee University crisis is subjected to mure scrutiny.

Ex-finance chief Peter Fotheringham has also agreed to be quizzed.

The university is currently battling a £35 million black hole and has proposed making 632 full-time roles redundant.
