Two contestants are set to be dumped from the Love Island villa.
The pair are sent packing in dramatic scenes in Sunday night’s episode of the ITV2 dating show.
Last week, the Islanders were asked to nominate the two couples they felt were the least compatible.
Siannise Fudge and Luke Trotman, Sophie Piper and Mike Boateng, Rebecca Gormley and Wallace Wilson and Jess Gale and Luke Mabbott all received votes, putting them at risk of being eliminated.
The public have been voting and in Sunday’s show, two Islanders are dumped.
Earlier in the episode, Siannise and Luke T have their first row.
Siannise Fudge (Joel Anderson/ITV)
Tensions flare when Siannise learns that Luke T cuddled Rebecca in bed when they were coupled up – something she believes he denied.
Siannise asks Rebecca: “So the night he kissed me, he was cuddling you in bed?”
“Yes,” replies Rebecca.
Siannise says: “Are you for real? So why is he lying to my face? Are you actually being serious?”
“I’ve had enough,” she fumes, before heading off to take it up with Luke.
Love Island airs on ITV2 and in Ireland on Virgin Media One.