TV architect George Clarke has called for a “radical reboot” of the UK’s housing sector as soon as the coronavirus pandemic is under control.
The host of The Home Show, Restoration Man and Amazing Spaces said returning to “normal” should “not be an option” following the outbreak, which has had a profound impact on everyday life across the country.
Clarke said he already feared for the housing sector before coronavirus hit and had a catastrophic impact on the economy.

Writing in The Big Issue, he called for a “radical reboot” to “benefit everyone” in the country.
Clarke said the health crisis has made it clear frontline workers including NHS staff, care workers and volunteers are “our heroes,” adding: “So, the best way we can all thank them is to give them safe, stable, secure, and genuinely affordable homes in amazing communities.
“It is time for the nation to create super-green homes for every single one of our superheroes, the extraordinary people of Britain who keep us safe and keep the country going.
“Without a safe, secure, stable, and truly affordable home, everything else in life is going to be a massive struggle.”
Clarke added: “The government has to get this right first and end homelessness in Britain once and for all.”
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