Countryfile presenter Anita Rani says it felt “cathartic” to talk openly about her miscarriage.
The presenter, 42, revealed earlier this year that she had suffered a miscarriage in 2018.
She told Hello! magazine: “So many women – and men – got in touch to say, ‘We’ve carried this as a secret, but well done you for bringing it out into the open because it’s still taboo and it shouldn’t be’.”
She added: “It felt cathartic to talk about it… I don’t talk about things that are personal.

“I’m not someone who constantly shouts about my darkest secrets, so it felt like a real moment when I was opening myself up, and I’m glad I did.
“This is a really important subject to talk about. I’ve been gifted this amazing platform and a voice, and I feel I should use them for the positive.”
Rani is now presenting Britain’s Best Parent? for Channel 4, which sees parents go head-to-head to see which style is best.
She added: “I think it would have been harder (to host the show) had I had kids, because I’m not giving any opinion whatsoever. I think everyone has a fascination with parenting, whether you’ve had them or not, because we’ve all been parented.”
The full article is in Hello! magazine, out now.