Dame Barbara Windsor’s blackouts mean she forgets whether she has eaten and does not know she is in her own home, her husband has said.
The EastEnders and Carry On legend, 81, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2014.
And Scott Mitchell, 56, told the Daily Mirror: “I want it to be clear that Barbara and I, we still have such fun.

“One minute it’ll be like talking to the old Barbara, we still make each other laugh and we have fits of giggles.”
But, he added: “Then 20 minutes after dinner, she’ll ask me what we’re going to eat tonight. So there’s no rhyme or reason.”
Mitchell said: “When she is having these, what she calls blackouts, she doesn’t know where she is, she’s completely disorientated.
“She can’t place the house we’re in and asks me, ‘Where is this place? Do we live here? How did we get here?’”
The actress was recently spotted on a trip to the theatre to see Only Fools And Horses, The Musical.
But Mitchell said the condition means that she spends more time in the house.
He is running this year’s London Marathon on April 28, with an EastEnders team, fundraising for Dementia Revolution, a joint campaign by Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK.