Hill of Tarvit, the north-east Fife mansion house closed last year by the National Trust for Scotland to save money, is to open sporadically over the summer.
The trust has been considering the future of the mansion house near Cupar for the last few months.
It confirmed yesterday that it will open on selected dates during this year’s visitor season, beginning with Easter weekend, and that its use as a venue for hospitality and functions is to be promoted.
The strategy is part of a three-year plan to strengthen the loss-making property’s financial position, said the trust’s chief executive Kate Mavor.
Ms Mavor said, “Staff from all over the trust have been working hard to find new ways of working at the Hill of Tarvit mansion house in Fife which will help build a strong future for the property.Financial issues”The financial issues there remain challenging. However, we have now approved an innovative three-year business plan which we hope will significantly improve revenue at the property by focusing on establishing its reputation as a hub of hospitality and functions in Fife.”
Hill of Tarvit mansion house was one of four properties closed by the trust as part of a number of cost-cutting measures.
Kellie Castle, near Pittenweem, was also under threat of closure but staff cuts allowed its running costs to be reduced and it remained open. It will open to the public for the season on April 1.
The dates Hill of Tarvit will open in 2010:April 1-6 April 29-May 4 May 27-31 June 17-22 July 15-20 July 29-August 2 August 26-31 September 16-21 October 14-19