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Strathmartine Hospital blaze inquiry under way

Kris Miller, Courier, 10/08/10, News. Picture tonight shows fire at Strathmartine Hospital, Dundee.
Kris Miller, Courier, 10/08/10, News. Picture tonight shows fire at Strathmartine Hospital, Dundee.

Young people seen in the grounds of the former Strathmartine Hospital at the time a derelict building caught ablaze on Tuesday night are central to an investigation into how the fire started, according to a senior firefighter.

Group manager Pat Walmsley confirmed security guards had seen young people in the grounds when the empty building on the Dundee-Angus boundary went on fire around 8pm on Tuesday.

At its height the operation involved around 30 firefighters with crews from Macalpine Road, Blackness Road and Kingsway East stations in Dundee.

Crews were back at the scene on Wednesday morning to ensure it was safe, and a joint investigation by Tayside Fire and Rescue and police got under way.

Mr Walmsley said, “The security guards are aiding the joint investigation and efforts are ongoing.

“Nothing was reported at the close of business today.”

He added that the actions of vandals in the hospital grounds had created a “hazardous” environment for the fire crews, who had to negotiate open manholes where the covers had been removed.

He said, “Obviously someone has been up there and helped themselves to the drain covers. There were also a lot of concrete pipe ducts removed.

“We are always aware that derelict properties are dangerous if they have been left unattended for a while.

“My message would be to parents to know where your children are at all times.”

He added that the initial stage of Tuesday night’s operation had been tied up with establishing whether or not anyone was in the building at the time.

Angus councillors who have been pushing for a clear planning blueprint for the disused hospital are scheduled to visit the site next week.

Strathmartine has been on the area’s development standards enforcement list for more than 18 months after concerns were raised over the state of deterioration of the building.

A number of discussions have taken place with the property owners over possible future uses, but elected members have regularly expressed concern at the continuing decay of the listed property.

To see for themselves the current state of Strathmartine, committee members are due to carry out a site visit on Monday.