Stirling will host Scotland’s Holocaust Memorial Day event next month.
The Macrobert Arts Centre is hosting part of the UK national programme dedicated to the remembrance of victims of the Holocaust, Nazi persecution and genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on January 27 each year, marking the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The theme of HMD 2014 is Journeys, exploring how journeys themselves became part of the Holocaust and other genocides.
Speakers include Alfred Munzer who, as a Jewish child during the Holocaust, was separated from his family and kept in hiding by Indonesian neighbours in Holland.
There will also be a musical performance on the plight of the Roma people during the Holocaust and a documentary featuring interviews with Holocaust survivors.
Organisers are encouraging messages of hope, peace and pledges to stop prejudice or indeed any message felt appropriate to be displayed at the event and online.
Messages should be under 50 words and emailed to by January 20.