Angus councillors have given the green light for a new house on a rural site near the village of Letham.
Local farming enterprise Lumgair Brothers applied for permission in principle to site a property on the corner site adjacent to Idvies Hall, south of Letham on the back road to Arbroath.
The owner of an adjacent property objected to the plan on grounds including the amenity impact on his home and road safety, but planning officials said they were happy the scheme met development plan policy.
“The neighbouring property at Idvies Hall is a category C(s) listed building and as such the council has a statutory duty to consider the impact of the proposed dwelling on the setting of the listed building,” said an official report.
“The application site lies to the east of the listed building and therefore would not involve building in front of the listed building, it would not involve the felling of mature trees and would not require any boundary walls to be breached.
“The application site is sufficiently large that I consider an appropriately sited and designed house would not have a significant adverse impact on the setting of the listed building.
“A further application will be required for approval of the siting and design of the building and these matters can be considered at that stage.”
The report also said traffic safety was not considered a major issue, with only one accident in snowy conditions over the past three years.Development standards councillors unanimously approved the bid.