It is sometimes said in Australia that “a man’s shed is his castle” and an Angus group have taken that saying to heart.
Forfar and District Men’s Shed has borrowed space in the town’s Montrose Road Centre and is looking to put in the foundations of a new perhaps wooden hub elsewhere.
The group takes inspiration from the Australian “men’s sheds” movement, which seeks to promote health and wellbeing, and bring men “of a certain age” together.
Four years ago there were five such groups in the UK now there are more than 60 and a UK Men’s Sheds Association was launched last year.
Chairman David Lackie said the group is looking forward to pottering around in a purpose-built shed if one becomes available.
But he said that there is a more serious side to the endeavour that of sharing valuable skills among people who may feel they are too old for conventional tuition.
David said: “We’ve already had a number of offers of wood and tools, and we have some already, but we will need to wait till we can move to bigger premises before picking up much more.
“We’ve had a lot of community support already and we are looking into asking the council for something like an asset transfer for a bit of land.
“At the moment they have very generously let us use the Montrose Road Centre to hold meetings.
“We need new members, more tools and materials to help this men’s shed benefit the community.”
Mr Lackie said the group is formed for “wellbeing” and will allow members to start or continue with their hobbies and make friends.
The shed is run by an elected committee which has organised a fundraiser this year.
A car boot sale takes place at the centre on December 6 from 10am to 3pm.
Contact Graeme Hodge on 01575 577244 to book spaces, which are £10 for cars and £15 for vans and indoor tables.
The group meets every Tuesday at 11am and new members are welcome.