The City of Brechin Pipe Band officially opens the games.
The Strathmore Highland Games took place against the stunning backdrop of Glamis Castle.
Conditions mostly remained dry despite a morning downpour for the annual event. The official opening of the games was conducted by the City of Brechin Pipe Band under Pipe Major Craig Black.
A full range of events was put on show for the visitors, who enjoyed some fierce competition between the strong field of entrants taking part.
Events included athletics, cycling, highland dancing, solo piping, pipe bands, drum majors and the British Tug of War Championship.
There were also the traditional heavy events such as the shot putt, the hammer and tossing the caber, which was cut on Glamis Estate.
There were also many stalls for people to browse and a children’s fair with bouncy castle, slides and other attractions. Lord Strathmore acted as chieftain while Lady Strathmore presented the prizes to the winning competitors.
The weather brought out the crowds at the former Forfar event, which was renamed Strathmore Games after its move to the 600-year-old Angus landmark a decade ago.