Courier referendum roadshow meets an SNP supporter who’s voting No
ByGraham Brown
A smiling Ray McRobbie casting his Yes vote in Stonehaven before last night's World Cup disaster for Spain!
The sun turned out with the voters in the northerly reaches of Courier Country when our roadshow reached the Mearns.
Inverbervie and Stonehaven were the latest destinations punched into the independence roadshow battlebus satnav system and Mearns residents were keen to offer their opinions on every aspect of the referendum campaign so far.
Bervie’s morning poll showed a 72% vote in favour of remaining in the Union, while in Stonehaven the afternoon outcome was reversed to a closer 60% Yes, 40% No.
Yes voter Bill Dunn, 67, said he cannot wait for the September 18 to make his mark in favour of independence.
“I don’t see why we should be governed by a government we didn’t put in,” he said.
However, a fellow SNP backer said he feels independence is a step too far.
Robert Chasser, 63, has been a lifelong supporter of the party but will not be voting to make the break in September.
“I’ve always voted SNP and thought that they have done a lot of good but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way things are at the moment, especially in this area.”
John Gillespie, 73, said: “At the moment we’re not ready for it. There are too many unknowns.”
Courier referendum roadshow meets an SNP supporter who’s voting No