Barry Mill opens its new exhibition on the great fire of 1814
ByThe Courier Reporter
Enid Gauldie at Barry Mill.
A centuries-old Angus tourist destination opened its new exhibition to guests and the public over the weekend.
Barry Mill celebrated its bicentenary as a “modern” mill on Sunday with the public unveiling of an exhibition on the best-known part of its history a great fire in 1814.
Fresh details about the family that operated the mill during the period were revealed to invited guests at an event on Saturday.
Current master miller, Peter Ellis, has traced the history of many of the oatmeal mill’s previous employees, and has appealed for Courier readers to help solve the mystery of Stewart Kidd.
He welcomed millers and heritage enthusiasts from across the UK to an event on Saturday. Enid Gauldie, author of the Scottish Country Miller, gave a talk to the guests.