‘Rainbow’ coalition joins forces to replace Tory Aberdeenshire provost with SNP rival
ByThe Courier Reporter
Aberdeenshire Provost Jill Webster was replaced by SNP group leader Hamish Vernal.
The Nationalists were looking to take control from the Tory-led administration at a special meeting they had called at Woodhill House.
Jim Gifford, leader of the 33-strong Aberdeenshire Alliance, was voted down by the 32-member coalition between the SNP group and the Progressive Alliance which consists of two Independent councillors and the Labour group.
The coalition had entered into an agreement with the two-strong Democratic, Independent and Green Group (DIGG), Paul Johnston and Martin Ford, to give them a 34 block on key votes in a 68-member chamber.
Mr Vernal said he was committed to an administration that would “think about the people of Aberdeenshire”.
‘Rainbow’ coalition joins forces to replace Tory Aberdeenshire provost with SNP rival