A congregation is praying plans for an eco-church in Monifieth will get the go-ahead.
The site at High Street in Monifieth is home to a period church hall that once belonged to South Church.
It currently provides sporadic overspill accommodation for Monifieth Parish Church.
Monifieth supported three kirks until the congregations voted in favour of a union between Panmure, South and St Rule’s in 2007.
None of the three period church buildings were fit for purpose and it was decided further evaluation should be given to the idea of a new, modern church.
This approach quickly took shape, strengthened by the availability of church land on the High Street in the centre of Monifieth.
The church project committee tendered for a design team and architect Lee Boyd was appointed in the spring of 2013. An application has been lodged with Angus Council for the demolition of the existing overspill building and the construction of a new church.
A Monifieth Parish Church spokes-person said: “There is a lot of support for the project from the congregation, who are anxious after years of deliberating and discussions to ‘get going’.
“There is support from the presbytery of Dundee, of which Monifieth parish church is part, notwithstanding our location in Angus, and there is support from the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland.
“We prayerfully hope that there will be support from Angus Council too, to enable us to fulfil our calling as Christian disciples of this time and place, and in doing so to enhance the streetscape of Monifieth by adding to its vibrancy, purpose and attractiveness.”
The church currently provide support and facilities in its three churches for a wide range of typical activities.
These include lunch clubs for the elderly, playgroups, activity clubs, dance groups and uniformed organisations.
These activities are predominantly run by church organisations, but there are a growing number run by community groups.
This relationship is something the church would like to strengthen by offering modern and comfortable facilities in a new more centrally located building.