Demoralised sheltered housing wardens in Angus have claimed they are on “borrowed time”.
Despite being warned by management not to speak to the press, staff have broken ranks and gone public on the impact the current uncertainty is having on their everyday lives.
Some are already actively looking for new jobs ahead of the decision but fear that their future employment prospects already look “grim”.
Counselling has been made available to the wardens whose jobs look set to go under a controversial shake-up.
A decision on whether wardens known as tenancy support officers (TSOs) will be retained will not be made until a report comes before a meeting of Angus Council onFebruary 11.
The local authority is proposing to replace them with a service run by avoluntary organisation.
One warden told The Courier: “Morale is rock bottom.
“The majority of TSOs are 50-plus in age so future employment looks grim.
“One TSO already has a new job to go to while others are actively looking as they fear the decision is already made.
“Others like myself are looking at a bleak outlook of job hunting.
“The council has given us the contact details of a counselling service.
“The loss of employment isdevastating and at work we feel like we are on borrowed time.
“We’re putting on a brave face but it is our tenants who we really feel for.
“Since the cutbacks of the laundryservice and home help last year, the elderly have nothing absolutelynothing apart from the TSOs.
“The TSOs pay level dictates we are expendable while managers remain untouched.
“We must help the elderly they may not be mobile enough to stand on the streets and protest and the council are relying on apathy on their behalf to introduce changes.”
New self-directed support (SDS)legislation means the council has to give people more choice and control over what support they receive.
An Angus Council spokeswoman said the local authority understand that is “an uncertain time for tenants and staff”.
She added: “However, as the report, which will now be considered onFebruary 11 states, we must also comply with the legal requirements ofself-directed support.
“The council is therefore being asked to consider the development of a new preventative care service to ensure the requirements of SDS are met and toprovide tenants with an affordable and sustainable model of support.”
A report on future arrangements for sheltered housing tenants in Angus was debated by councillors earlier this month.