Complaints about potholes wrecking people’s cars have sparked an urgent review by councillors.
A panel has been formed by Angus Council’s scrutiny and audit committee in response to worries raised about roads maintenance, with particular attention to the issue of potholes.
Chaired by Brechin councillor Bob Myles, the panel will gather information, make site visits and carry out interviews to get a detailed idea of the state of roads maintenance in the county.
Last December an Angus citizens’ panel survey showed more than 70% of people thought potholes were fixed fast enough but two-thirds were not happy with the quality of the repairs.
A report earlier this year showed road resurfacing and treatment in Angus had hit a decade low.
A similar panel, chaired by Carnoustie councillor Brian Boyd, has also been established to look at waste management.
Scrutiny and audit convener Bob Spink, who will be in charge of the new panels, said: “The objective is to establish value for money and continuous improvement to the benefit of Angus.
“It is hoped this new review approach will bring benefits by identifying options for improvement.”
Both panels will report back to the full scrutiny and audit committee. Reports will then be prepared for each relevant committee and full council, with recommendations for improvement where necessary.