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Carnoustie to pay new tribute to Victoria Cross heroes

Carnoustie to pay new tribute to Victoria Cross heroes

Two historic Angus recipients of the Victoria Cross will receive an additional honour, now that space for commemorative plaques has been found.

Following various delays and discussions about the placing of the plaques in Carnoustie, its Royal British Legion Scotland branch has identified suitable spaces on the town’s war memorial.

Alterations to the plaques are required as the originals were specific to the streets named after Charles Alfred Jarvis (Jarvis Place) and George McKenzie Samson (Samson Place), and it is anticipated they will be ready for rededication in the summer.

Lance Corporal Jarvis, of the 57th Field Company Royal Engineers, was the first man to be awarded the Victoria Cross in the First World War. Born in Fraserburgh, he spent his formative years in Carnoustie, attending the school before joining the army in 1899, and the town has always claimed him as its own.

Jarvis was awarded the Victoria Cross for his gallantry in blowing up the bridge at Jemappes, in order to cover the retreat of the army from Mons three weeks after the outbreak of war. He died in Dundee in 1948.

Petty Officer Samson served in the Royal Naval Reserve on HMS River Clyde during the 1915 landing at Gallipoli. As the landing force struggled to establish a bridgehead, he spent the day tending to the large numbers of wounded and helping with the lines.

His service was cut short after he was wounded by machine gun fire. Surgeons were only able to remove four of the suspected 19 bullets but he made a full recovery.

Carnoustie SNP councillor Helen Oswald welcomed the news, saying: ”I am delighted that a final decision has been made about the location of these plaques.

”Additionally, I have had it confirmed that additional street signage will be erected in Jarvis Place and Samson Place, identifying that these streets were named in honour of these two very brave Carnoustie men.”