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Five months’ jail for Forfar man who left partner with multiple attack injuries

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A Forfar man has been jailed for five months for brutally assaulting his partner.

Appearing from custody, Adam Stewart (22), of Grampian Park, publicly apologised to Forfar Sheriff Court, which heard the relationship would continue.

His partner was sat in the front row of the public benches to support Stewart.

Stewart admitted that on April 11 at Easterbank he assaulted a woman and repeatedly punched her on the face, head and body; kicked her to the ground; and kicked her to the head, to her injury.

The court heard Stewart was so drunk he couldn’t recognise his partner of six years after both had been drinking heavily.

Depute fiscal Nicola Gillespie said Stewart began punching his partner during the drinking session and she used her arms and legs to try to protect herself.

Ms Gillespie said: ”It spilled out on to the street and Stewart kicked her in the head while she was on the ground. Neighbours heard the complainer begging the accused to stop.”

Police were called and the woman was taken to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. She had suffered several cuts to the face, bleeding points on the head, bruising to the head and behind both her ears, bruising to the right side of the jaw, bruising to the forehead, bruising to the bottom lip, extensive bruising to the arms and elbows and a cut on the back.

Defence agent Nick Markowski said Stewart wished to publicly apologise to his partner.

”He is embarrassed and ashamed by his behaviour,” he said. ”Both had been drinking heavily and they don’t have their troubles to seek.”

Mr Markowski said the woman was standing by Stewart and the relationship would continue.

Sheriff Kevin Veal said: ”This is a more violent assault than one normally sees in a domestic case and it does not make for pleasant listening. The injuries sustained by the complainer were significant.”

Stewart’s sentence was backdated to April 12.