Photo gallery: toppled lorry trailer causes chaos on Kingsway
ByThe Courier Reporter
A lorry shed its trailer on the Kingsway, causing chaos for evening rush-hour traffic on April 24. The lorrys trailer toppled over on to the road while it was negotiating the roundabout near the junction with Myrekirk Road. It happened near a pedestrian crossing, and witnesses said it was lucky no-one was injured. See more at
A lorry shed its trailer on the Kingsway, causing chaos for evening rush-hour traffic on April 24. The lorry’s trailer toppled over on to the road while it was negotiating the roundabout near the junction with Myrekirk Road. It happened near a pedestrian crossing, and witnesses said it was lucky no-one was injured. See more at
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Photo gallery: toppled lorry trailer causes chaos on Kingsway