Menzieshill High School closure plan: mixed reaction from parents and ex-pupils
ByStefan Morkis
Irene Smith said closing the school would 'rip the heart out' of the area.
Dundee City Council’s proposal to close Menzieshill High School has provoked a mixed reaction.
Although many say they would be sad to see the school close, some believe it has been failing the community for years.
John Fraser, 28, who works for Perth and Kinross Council, said: “I think it’s probably a good thing if it closes.
“I don’t really think it has been doing much for pupils.
“My little brother went there, but I went to the Harris and I think it might be time for it to close.”
Former pupil Gillian Gerrard has a 13-year-old daughter at Menzieshill High School.
She said: “My daughter has just started there and if she moves she won’t know where anything is at the Harris.
“I think it would be best if they kept it open.”
Irene Smith said: “My son was educated there and I thought it was a really good school, so it will be sad if it closes.
“It would rip the heart out of the community.”
Former pupil Grant Hill, who has just published his first novel, Clubbed to Death, said: “Having lived in Menzieshill for 30 years, I think it’s a shame that such an important part of the community could be lost.”
Menzieshill High School closure plan: mixed reaction from parents and ex-pupils