Wayne OHare and George Scullion are backing Yes but say free lifts will be open to all.
A Dundee taxi firm has unveiled plans to get voters to the polls on time.
Although they are firmly behind the Yes campaign, the owners of Dundee Taxis Ltd are keen to ensure everyone has their say on September 18.
Everyone, regardless of their political stance, will be offered a free lift to cast their vote.
Wayne O’Hare, who launched the company last year with George Scullion, told The Courier why they are putting their fleet of taxis and minibuses at the disposal of local voters.
“We are very passionate about the referendum,” he said. “We know people who might find it difficult to get out for various reasons and we want to make it easier for them to take part.
“We are going to stop being a taxi company for one day so we can offer lifts to anyone who wants to get out and vote.
“It’s for everyone who needs it how they vote is their prerogative.”
The stunt has been shared online hundreds of times, winning praise from locals.
It has not found favour with everyone, however, with some people threatening to boycott the firm, which is based at Mid Craigie Road.