A Dundee councillor has demanded answers to claims that the road surface on Riverside Drive remains uneven, despite more than two months of roadworks.
Councillor Fraser Macpherson had been contacted by people in his ward who alerted him to the bumpy road surface after 10 weeks of work.
He has now raised the issue with Tayside Contracts, who have completed the work on behalf of the council.
He said: “There have been complaints that I have received during the period that the road has been closed, with a lot of issues about access and asking why the project just wasn’t quite finished.
“I have also heard concerns about the quality of the finished road surface, and put the complaint to Dougie McKay from Tayside Contracts.
“The new road will undergo a full inspection before the road management is completely removed, and I await the result.”
The work to narrow part of Riverside Drive from four lanes to two started at the beginning of August.
Due to weather issues at the beginning of last week, completion of the roadworks was delayed.
Prior to completion of the works, drivers were unable to make a right turn on to Riverside Approach.
However, vehicular restrictions will be completely lifted today, with minimal traffic management still remaining.
Any remaining management is set to be removed by next Wednesday.
Councillor Macpherson noted that the timescale of the works has resulted in several people contacting him, but he was happy to see the road finally open.
He said: “Of late the main issue that constituents have been asking about is when is the road management going to be away.
“I do think that there was no point in opening it all yet, if the project isn’t quite finished.
“I have been told that while the road will be open, there will still be some traffic management, which basically means cones, along Riverside Drive but that should be gone by the middle of next week.
A spokesperson for Tayside Contracts defended the standard of the road, as well as confirming Tayside Contracts boss Dougie McKay will examine the road next week.
He stated: “As far as I’m aware there is no problem with the actual surface.
“Next week Dougie will be performing a standard road check and I don’t think it’s different from what we would normally do.”