Dundee man in court accused of endangering shopkeeper’s life
ByThe Courier Reporter
Dundee Sheriff Court
A man has appeared in court in private before Sheriff Kenneth McGowan on a petition alleging assault to severe injury.
Gavin Stuart Liddell, 33, of Ancrum Court, Whorterbank, is charged with, on February 1 at Best One Food Store in Cleghorn Street, assaulting Mohammed Safdar, c/o Police Scotland, by striking him repeatedly on the head and body with a metal pole and a knife or similar instrument, to his severe injury and to the danger of life, and robbing him of a sum of money.
He is also charged with possessing a knife and a metal pole and of attempting to defeat the ends of justice by washing blood-stained clothing and a knife.
Liddell made no plea or declaration, was fully committed for trial and remanded in custody.
Dundee man in court accused of endangering shopkeeper’s life