Protesters in Dundee join campaign for the release of kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls
ByThe Courier Reporter
Demonstrations for the missing Nigerian schoolgirls in Dundee city centre.
Calls to keep the international pressure on Nigeria to bring back the missing schoolgirls rang out in Dundee city centre.
The newly formed community group Concerned Nigerians and Friends took to the street outside the Overgate with loud hailers to keep people aware of the plight of more than 300 girls kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haram last month.One of the organisers of the rally, Chioma Ibe, 41, said: “Their girls were taken away and no one did anything.
“I have a daughter myself and I went to school in Nigeria. When I saw images of those burnt dormitories, I felt that could have been my own dormitory.
“It could have been me. It is only through protests like this one and social media that the international community became aware and put pressure on the Nigerian government.
“We don’t want pressure from the international community to wane. When good men do nothing, evil with triumph.”
She said members moved by what had happened in Nigeria found each other on social media and decided to join together to keep the #bringbackourgirls going.
Protesters in Dundee join campaign for the release of kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls