Hunt for youths seen near site of massive tyre fire in Dundee
ByAndrew Liddle
The fire raging on Monday evening.
Fire investigators believe a 1,000-tyre inferno in Whitfield was started deliberately.
It took firefighters over 12 hours to finally put out the Piper Street blaze, which began on Monday night.
And the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are now focusing their efforts on investigating how it could have started, after a number of youths were spotted in the area before the blaze started.
Crews battled temperatures of up to 900C as they took control of the fire, while police were also called to assist and keep back onlookers as crowds gathered at the scene.
Station manager Paul Robertson said it was “unlikely” a fire of that nature could have started on its own, and it was thought to be deliberately set possibly by the youths spotted by community safety wardens shortly before the blaze broke out.
For more, see Wednesday’s Dundee edition of The Courier.
Hunt for youths seen near site of massive tyre fire in Dundee