Judy Murray and team will serve up free tennis training at Forthill
ByThe Courier Reporter
Judy Murray is to visit Forthill Sports Club.
Tennis star Andy will not be in attendance but his mother Judy will be coming to Games Club on Saturday May 9.
Judy and her team will aim to give parents, coaches, teachers and volunteers the tools they need to get children active and further develop tennis in Scotland.
A spokesman for the club said: “Games Club Tennis has pulled off a major coup with Judy Murray and her team coming to serve up a coaching session.
“And the good news is, this is a completely free event open to all.”
Forthill Sports Club hosts men’s, women’s and junior teams competing in local leagues, as well as junior and adult coaching sessions.
“We are always looking for new players so if you are interested in trying out, please, get in touch,” the spokesman added.
The event is free and open to all but places are limited. Those who are interested in attending can email tennisontheroad@img.com or call 020 823 37820 to register.
Judy Murray and team will serve up free tennis training at Forthill