Police in Dundee complete two-week crackdown on violence and disorder
BySteven Dinnie
Kim Cessford - 31.08.12 - pictured at the stand off between the SDL and opponents of the SDL outside Dundee Parish Church are some of the heavy police presence to prevent trouble
Police have completed a two-week swoop on violent crime and disorder in Dundee.
Between Monday June 1 and Sunday June 14 the city-wide initiative saw eight arrests, 13 people reported for drug offenses, seven for anti-social behaviour and one for possession of an offensive weapon.
Resources from Police Scotland’s Licensing and Violence Reduction Division along with local Tayside Division officers were involved in the operation involving high-visibility patrols and a ‘robust’ response to violence.
Chief Inspector Gary Ogilvie said: “We will continue to send out a strong message that any criminality will not be tolerated. Along with local officers, specialist support teams from across Scotland are specifically tasked to tackle violence, disorder and anti-social behaviour in our communities. We will use every resource available to deal with offenders in order to keep people safe.
“Anyone with information relating to crimes or offences should call 999 in an emergency or Police Scotland on 101. If you wish to remain anonymous you can also report crime through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111”
Police in Dundee complete two-week crackdown on violence and disorder