A hilltop cafe has been included among suggestions for how to improve the Law.
The city’s biggest physical landmark and vantage point is due to benefit from a £353,000 upgrade next month, including path repairs, tree felling and new signs to direct visitors.
It is understood that the project may receive £80,000 towards the costs from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
A city council meeting to finalise funding details will be held in August.
Elaine Pratt, Coldside’s communities officer, said: “We’re already creating an information website for the Law and a Friends of the Law group is in the making as well.
“The project is based on past consultations but we’re still open to new ideas.”
Don Elder, 72, who is involved with the West Law Allotment Association, hopes the changes could see more people visiting the area.
Mr Elder, who has helped clear weeds from its slopes, said: “We could make much more use out of the Law.
“For example, they could put a little hilltop cafe where people can relax, at the east side of the hill.”