Fears WestFest could be scrapped after becoming ‘a victim of its own success’
ByJenny Thomson
Dundee Westfest Event crowds out in force.
Crisis talks to save Dundee’s WestFest are to take place amid fears the iconic Big Sunday on Magdalen Green may not happen next year.
The popularity of the event, which attracted 9,000 revellers this year, has led to spiralling costs and a desperate plea for help from organisers.
This year’s event was marred by a parking fiasco, which saw hundreds of cars ticketed, and not enough toilets, leading to queues and even people urinating in neighbouring gardens.
Speaking exclusively to the Courier, co-chairs of the organising committee Alan Richardson and Paola McClure said this year’s annual meeting will be devoted to saving WestFest.
Alan said: “It is in genuine danger. Unless people turn up in numbers and are willing to help, WestFest will not happen.
“We are a victim of our own success. The event has grown so much we now need more infrastructure, volunteers and funding.”
After some volunteers failed to turn up to Big Sunday this year, the remaining 13 started putting up marquees from 7am and were still cleaning up at 11.30pm.
Ideally, 20 volunteers are needed.
Fears WestFest could be scrapped after becoming ‘a victim of its own success’