An eight-week old puppy had to be put down after being found suffering from horrific injuries under a car in Dundee.
It is believed the Jack Russell pup may have been run over and then dragged along by a vehicle before he was discovered hiding under a car parked in Craigmount Road on Sunday evening.
The brown and white puppy had suffered multiple fractures in both rear legs and had deep scrapes across his stomach and crotch.
The pup is believed to have crawled under the parked car to hide after being injured.
But his wounds were so severe vets had no choice but to put him down.
Scottish SPCA chief Inspector Brian Cowing said: “Tragically the pup was suffering from multiple fractures in both rear legs and scrapes on his stomach and crotch area.
“The vet advised the fractures happened some time before the scraping injuries so it is possible he was hit by a car and was then dragged under the vehicle.”
Chief inspector Cowing said anyone who saw the dog being hit by a vehicle or knows who it belongs to should get in touch.
“He was too young to be out on his own and we think someone may be looking for him,” he said.
“At this stage we also can’t rule out the possibility he was abandoned. We are keen to hear from anyone who recognises this dog on 03000 999 999.”