Work on a new multi-million pound building to accommodate a Dundee school has started.
The official start of the construction of the £28.7 million replacement for Baldragon Academy was celebrated by pupils, teachers and Dundee city councillors.
Pupils from the nearly-completed £8.1 million replacement for Sidlaw View Primary School and Jessie Porter Nursery also took part in the event.
Baldragon Academy head teacher Kenny Hearn said: “Whilst the old building still has the kind of facilities we need to continue with the education of the children, the new building will bring great opportunities and stare of the art facilities which will offer the new people coming into Baldragon Academy the very best.
“All of the classrooms will be state of the art and we are also looking forward to new sports facilities such as all weather playing fields and a swimming pool.
“We will also be able to expand the curriculum to include drama with a new drama room, which we don’t currently have.”
Baldragon Academy deputy head boy Jack Cleary said: “I think the building we have is good but we do need a new one.
“It would be good to have a larger facility to accommodate the growing student body.”
Second-year pupil Peri Marshall said he was looking forward to having a drama room.
He added: “I’ve seen the building site on my way up to school it’s exciting.
“I was told the new building will be much bigger and there would be a drama room, which is great.”
Alexander Cragg, a first-year pupil, said: “I was told the new building would have fewer stairs and nicer bathrooms.”
Dundee City Council is funding £10.6 million towards the new secondary, with the rest being provided by the Scottish Futures Trust.
The new Baldragon Academy is expected to be ready for its first intake of pupils in early 2018.
It will form part of an educational campus for the area which will include the new Sidlaw Primary School and nursery, due to open in October this year.