Matthew Pope trial hears witness lied in police statements
ByGraeme Ogston
Elders Court in Lochee.
A murder trial witness has admitted lying in his police statements but denied killing a man in a Lochee flat.
Ryan Crighton was giving evidence on the third day of the trial of Matthew Pope who is accused of murdering Michael Given in Elders Court last July.
Mr Crighton, 22, told the trial he saw Pope standing in Mr Given’s livingroom holding a piece of wood in both hands while Mr Given lay bleeding on the floor.
Asked by defence advocate Brian McConnachie, QC, why he failed to tell police this on two occasions. He replied: “I was finding it hard to tell the truth at the start. I didn’t say it in the first statement but I got to the truth eventually.”
Advocate depute Douglas Fairley, QC, prosecuting, asked Mr Crighton, “It may be suggested that it was you who killed Michael Given. What do you say to that?”
Mr Crighton replied: “It wasn’t me.”
Matthew Pope, 22 denies murdering 29-year-old Michael Given at Elders Court on July 20 or 21 last year and attempting to defeat the ends of justice by removing bloodstained clothes and disposing of evidence in a bin.
The trial at the High Court in Aberdeen continues.
Matthew Pope trial hears witness lied in police statements