Liff after-school club must do better By Grant Smith March 20 2013, 10:03am March 20 2013, 10:03am Share Liff after-school club must do better Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link The Care Commission has found “major weaknesses” at the after-school club in Liff. The club, which has 24 children registered, is based in the village’s primary school and is run by a voluntary committee of parents. Inspectors have given it an unsatisfactory rating for its staffing and weak ratings for its care and support, environment and management. Their report said the children present during their visit were “happy and having fun” but they identified serious problems. “The provider has still not addressed the training and development issues identified at the last inspection,” the report said. “Major weaknesses were noted regarding a lack of management and leadership in the day-to-day running of the service. “The provider must address this as a matter of urgency and must also make sure staff are trained appropriately,” the inspectors said. On a more positive note, the report said five children had been spoken to during the visit and all liked going to the club and the staff. “One parent was asked her views on the service. She said that her child was happy and, therefore, she was happy,” the report said.