Woman taken to hospital after quad bike accident at Piperdam By News reporter September 6 2012, 7:03am September 6 2012, 7:03am Share Woman taken to hospital after quad bike accident at Piperdam Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/news/dundee/80821/woman-taken-to-hospital-after-quad-bike-accident-at-piperdam/ Copy Link A 52-year-old woman was rushed to hospital with a head injury after being involved in a quad bike accident at Piperdam resort. Police received a report she was trapped under the machine at around 2.05pm on Wednesday. However, when they attended it became apparent she had not been trapped. She was taken by ambulance to Ninewells Hospital. A spokesman for Tayside Police said: ”She had a slight head injury and back injury. She’s got pains in her legs, neck and back. ”It happened on the estate, not on the public road.” A spokeswoman for the Scottish Ambulance Service confirmed the woman was taken by ambulance to Ninewells Hospital. A later update confirmed the woman was being considered as ”very much walking wounded.”