The Dundee charity facing the biggest reduction in council funding has received an outstanding report for the one of its main services.
Gowrie Care’s managing director, Damian McGowan, said it was disappointing for his own and other care providers to have their funding cut by such a substantial amount in the next financial year.
Gowrie Care is to suffer a reduction of £127,113 (5%), despite the SNP administration stressing it is doing all it can to direct funding to the most vulnerable people in the city.
Mr McGowan said: “We are confident that through alternative ways of working we will continue to provide the same level of care and support to people in our projects who rely on us to improve and enhance their lives.”
The company’s housing support service in Dundee central has received the best possible gradings of excellent for the quality of its care and support, staffing and management and leadership from the Care Inspectorate.
The results of an inspection on January 16 said the service continues to treat each tenant as an individual and is very person-focused in the way it provides support.
Mr McGowan said: “We’re delighted once again to achieve a high level of results.
“It is quite an achievement to report that 100% of our services throughout Scotland have been awarded a grade four or above meaning that our services are classed as excellent, very good or good.
“Of these services, 80% have achieved a five or six excellent or very good.”
He continued: “All of our registered services in Dundee have achieved a level 6 excellent in each of the areas assessed.
“Although we have received a high standard of grades and made significant improvements in certain areas, we will continue to work with the people we support and listen to how we can develop our support and continue to provide a first class service.