A new film charting much of the history and industrial heritage of Kirkcaldy has been released.
Called Kirkcaldy Past and Present, it is the work of Talisman Films Scotland.
Secretary of the company Bill Gourlay is looking forward to seeing the results of his many years of work in filming and recording the way Kirkcaldy has changed over the past 60 years finally becoming available for people to enjoy.
He said: “I was born and brought up in Kirkcaldy and have always had an interest in photography and filming, which resulted in me founding the Kirkcaldy Cine Club in 1960.
“Over the years I recorded many of the landmark buildings in Kirkcaldy being demolished to make way for modern housing, road improvements and the new shopping centre.
“The Links Market from 1962 and 1975 is in there, the last ‘Kirkin’ of the Council’ in 1975 and images of the many cinemas and dance halls that people will be familiar with.
“I particularly like the footage of the last days of operation of both Dysart and Sinclairtown Railway Stations in 1969.”
The film is on sale in the Kirkcaldy Museum and Galleries shop and online.