CCTV hailed for driving down taxi crime in Dunfermline
ByCheryl Peebles
John Aitchison of A1tch Taxis in Rosyth showing the new safety CCTV Camera system used in their vehicles.
Crime in taxis fitted with CCTV cameras in Dunfermline has been virtually wiped out.
Cameras were installed in 35 vehicles to protect both drivers and passengers.
Before the project began last year there were hundreds of incidents, mostly of passengers dodging fares but also of aggression and violence towards drivers.
Since the installation, however, only one crime has been reported.
Taxi driver John Aitchison, owner of Rosyth-based A1Tch Taxis and chairman of West Fife Taxi Owners’ Association, said the cameras give drivers a sense of security.
He said: “People are aware cars have the cameras because they can see them and there is certainly a deterrent value.
“Fife Council did talk about rolling this out to the whole fleet and that would certainly be welcome.”
Dunfermline councillor Bob Young helped set up the scheme with Fife Constabulary before it became part of Police Scotland.
He said: “We went from 500 crimes down to one.
“We have just about eradicated the problem.”
CCTV hailed for driving down taxi crime in Dunfermline