Tommy Sheridan speaks out against austerity at Fife meeting
ByMichael Alexander
Tommy and Gail Sheridan with daughter Gabrielle in Buckhaven.
Tommy Sheridan, the well-known campaigner, activist and former MSP, delivered a speech in Buckhaven community centre.
A long-time supporter of independence, Mr Sheridan gave a talk entitled An Alternative to Austerity and looked at the “failed economic policy” and how it impacts the poorest in society.
He also looked at what the communities of Levenmouth can do to fight against austerity.
Last year Mr Sheridan played a prominent role in the Yes campaign ahead of the referendum.
He said then he believed the time had come for the people to vote for the kind of future they want to have.
A year past January he was invited to Kirkcaldy by local supporters of independence and gave a talk at St Bryce Kirk.
Prior to that, he told Fife campaigners they should be prepared to break the law in their fight against the “bedroom tax”.
He told the Fife Anti-Bedroom Tax Campaign in Kirkcaldy then: “We have to say loud and clear that in 21st Century Scotland we are not going to stand idly by.”
Tommy Sheridan speaks out against austerity at Fife meeting